Thursday, September 24, 2009


Antoine, culture d'un lot et chaque jour plus belle

Maria et Antoine

This is Antoine, the new baby. Maria and Greg's son. He born in New Caledonia, east of Australia.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Djavan - Te Devoro

Michael Buble

National Association of Social Workers - Code of Ethics

Imagen da Internet

Andrea Hetmanek

I could not believe that I found this girl on the net. We used to take English classes together at Cultura Inglesa in Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Andrea was absolutely beautiful and gorgeous, but after her work with Playboy she disappeared.

Amazing Teacher

Tenho assistido aulas com um Professor chamado Michel Fabiano ( de Sao Paulo. O cara e' super legal, alem de ser uma fera na informatica e tira as suas duvidas em tempo record. Vale a pena dar uma passada por la se voce estiver querendo aprender algo novo, e o melhor de tudo galera e' que sao treinamentos gratuitos oferecidos por ele, na maior boa vontade e com uma aula super facil de se entender. Afinal, eu estou aqui porque foi ele quem me ensinou a construir meu blog!

Kathleen's Birthday

Where are you Mrs???
Wish you all the best and an amazing Happy Birthday!!!

Lily's First Birthday September18th

Finally, some pictures from the birthday girl.

I'm like my mommy, I love sugar!!!!!!Projeto de formiguinha

Unfortunately I forgot my camera at home, so I have to wait until her parents send me pictures from the party!